- Setup and installation
- Intro R: 1-hour Introduction to R and RStudio. No prior experience needed.
- Intro to R and tidyverse, RNA-seq edition: 7-hour Introduction to R and tidyverse using real-world RNA-seq data. Includes Intro R, dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot. No prior experience needed.
- RNA-seq analysis in R: 6-hour Differential gene expression analysis using linear mixed effects models. Includes Intro R, dplyr, ggplot, edgeR, limma, and kimma. No prior experience needed.
- i4TB RNA-seq differential gene and pathway expression in R
- Plotting in ggplot: 1-hour Introduction to plotting in ggplot. Includes boxplots, barplots, and “lollipop” plots. Moderate R experience recommended, in particular the tidyverse.
- Linear modeling in R: 1-hour Introduction to linear modeling in R. Includes t-test, anova, linear regression, and linear mixed effects regression. Minimal R experience, such as Intro R workshop, recommended.
- R packages: 1.5-hour Build an R package from scratch. Based on Wickham H. R Packages. 2e. Minimal R experience, such as Intro R workshop, recommended.
- Single cell RNA-seq visualization: 1.5-hour Introduction to Seurat data visualization including UMAP/tSNE and heatmaps. Minimal R experience, such as Intro R workshop, recommended.
- GitHub GUI: 2-hour Introduction to git and GitHub using a GUI. Includes commiting changes, adding to GitHub, and documentation on GitHub. Does not cover command line git. No prior experience needed.
Videos available at Note that not all workshops above have an associated recording.
Additional resources
Please see our additional resources page for more R!